Who Knew Play Could Be So Fun?

As caregivers, one of the most important parts of our day is also one of the simplest: playing with our littles. Why is play so important for our youngest learners? When we delve into childhood development, we find that one of the most crucial factors in a child’s mental and emotional growth is the impact of play.

Not only is play a primary factor in helping children understand the world around them, but it also enhances cognitive, social, emotional, and physical skills. It fosters creativity, problem-solving skills, and allows for exploration, and, most importantly, connection with others.

Play can be structured in a number of different ways. Children can play independently, socially, they can be active participants in parallel play, competitive play, pretend play and more. Engaging in social play allows our kiddos to naturally learn valuable skills such as sharing, conflict resolution, and language building, which pave the way for healthy future relationships.

While our little ones engage in play, whether it be role-playing, sensory play, or other creative activities, they are also using their play as an outlet for emotional expression. Providing our children with a controlled environment allows them to act out different emotions, express their feelings, and discover their own sense of self-awareness through their own experiences in their little safe world.

The connection between the wonderful world of play and cognitive development is also super important to touch on. While children play, the parts of their brains that formulate imagination, decision-making, and creativity begin to light up. As adults, we tend to believe that critical thinking is something that just comes to us. However, through different types of constructive play, such as building blocks or using STEM toys, that part of our brain formulates at a much younger age.

One of my favourite things about play is how it functions as a mental health booster for our little ones. As adults, we have our own unique self-care rituals and personal health activities that we engage in to enhance our mental well-being. For our kiddos, play is one of the most encouraging tools for protecting, strengthening, and maintaining their mental health. Play helps children cope with stress and challenges and serves as an emotional outlet for self-expression. Similar to how going for a long walk acts as a natural stress reliever for us adults, play serves the same purpose for children, allowing them to unwind and release any negative energy accumulated throughout their day. The joy that comes with child's play is unlike any other experience for their little and growing minds.

When it comes to play, the possibilities for what we can offer our kiddos are limitless. As a mama of two, my focus centres on cultivating an environment within our household that not only encourages open-ended, creative, and imaginative skill-building but also embraces individualistic and unique forms of play - that centre around my two littles and their specific developmental stages. The environment I curate is one that fosters child-led and hands-on learning experiences. I provide a diverse array of sensory activities, engaging books, calming tools, building blocks, arts and crafts, stimulating puzzles, and practical life materials, ensuring a well-rounded and enriching play environment for the two of them.

The simple act of play provides our little ones with so many amazing opportunities for their development. Depending on how we approach play, children can learn more advanced concepts such as numbers and shapes, but more importantly, they develop their fine and gross motor skills, practice social norms, naturally develop communication skills, and build on their mental, emotional, and social health.

So, parents, who knew play could be so fun!?

Thank you for reading!


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